Angelicscalliwags Christmas Traditions # 1: Charity Christmas Fair


This blog is primarily a gift for my children.  It is the legacy of their childhood.  The best bits, the memories, successes and trials for them to look back on as adults.  A gift of love and of the treasure of our family life.  I don’t want to forget, but I also don’t want my children, especially the younger ones, to forget their childhood story and just how loved they were.

Something Gary and I did when we first married 16 years ago was to form our own traditions.  Traditions are so important, I think, to the fabric of a family, even if that family only consists of two people deeply in love with each other.  Traditions create a family identity which never dies.  A simple smell or a piece of music has the power to transport you back to a moment in your history, in truth a mesh of many similar moments – the riches of a tradition oft repeated.  In addition, traditions ground us, lending a soothing and comforting rhythm to our modern, frenetically paced life.

It is these traditions I intend to share here.  Some we have been doing since our first year of marriage, others are newer.  All are important to our family.

Our church holds a Charity Christmas Fair  in late November each year.  It is a chance for all the charities our church supports to come and sell their (often handmade) crafts.  In addition the church is transformed into a cafe, with musicians, orchestras and singers playing in the background. We save all our pennies through out the year just for this occasion and buy many of our Christmas gifts here.

In actuality, our children begin their preparations for the fair weeks before its date.  The older ones are part of the church’s youth choir and sing during the fair each year.  This year A5 was old enough to join the very young children’s choir, so I had the pleasure of hearing her sing also. Here is a photo just before we left, in the choir shirts:

Just about to leave for church
Just about to leave for church

It is hard to take photos and avoid having other people in them so I have had to crop most of the ones I took which means they are not always the best of photos:

Here you can see some of the stalls that the charities have set up
Here you can see some of the stalls that the charities have set up
My little girl, singing to her heart's content.  She just LOVED participating this year
My little girl, singing to her heart’s content. She just LOVED participating this year
T11, who has a really gorgeous voice, sings with the older choir
T11, who has a really gorgeous voice, sings with the older choir
C11, big smiles as always
C11, big smiles as always
My little L11
My little L11
And, of course I had to include one of my youngest
And, of course I had to include one of my youngest
Gary accompanied the children on the cajon and djembe (drums)
Gary accompanied the children on the cajon and djembe (drums)

This event is so much bigger and ‘funner’ than my photos can show.  We had a lovely time and came home with our arms laden with goodies!


  1. So much is happening in your household that I can’t keep up! 🙂 Thank you for sharing one of your family traditions, which I, too, feel is really important to have. Lovely to see the active participation of your children in your church activities. 🙂

  2. What a great family tradition. I love the children’s choir. I was in one of those for 13 years of my childhood. It was very important to me. I am sure the kids will cherish these memories.
    Blessings, Dawn

  3. Sounds like so much fun! So great that your kids participate in singing – A5 looked just adorable! What a great tradition – and a great way to support charities. By the by, I really like your new buttons 🙂

  4. What sweet memories you are making with your children. Their pictures are just lovely. Your blog will be a wonderful scrapbook of treasures.
    Hope you have had a most excellent day.

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