Learning My ABC’s: Five Ways to Reinforce Letter Learning (Dd)


  • We used a dog topped pencil to point to things around the room which began with Dd.  Things like door, dolls house and dog.  As she found them and pointed to them she said the name of the letter, the sound and what they were.   This activity reminded her that letters made the beginning sounds of words and allowed her to practice her recognition of the D sound:

Ribbet collageletterD4

  • Using her magna doodle B4 drew the letter D and d.  This activity helped her remember how to write the letter Dd:

Ribbet collageletterD1

  • I wrote letters around a paper plate, including D’s and d’s and snipped in between them.  I asked B4 to fold down all the D and d shaped letters.  This activity was to help her to recognise the letter Dd even when hidden among many other different letters:

Ribbet collageletterD3b

Ribbet collageletterD3a

  • Using empty loo rolls she made a large D and a small d.  This activity helped her to figure out how the shape of the letter looked and how to replicate it:

Ribbet collageletterD5b

Ribbet collageletterD5

  • B4 made the leter D and d from some jelly beans, reinforcing the shape D and d make:

Ribbet collageletter Dd

Next week I will have five more hands on activities to reinforce letter recognition.


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