
This blog is primarily a gift for my children.  It is the legacy of their childhood.  The best bits, the memories, successes and trials for them to look back on as adults.  A gift of love and of the treasure of our family life.  I don’t want to forget, but I also don’t want my children, especially the younger ones, to forget their childhood story and just how loved they were.

Something Gary and I did when we first married 16 years ago was to form our own traditions.  Traditions are so important, I think, to the fabric of a family, even if that family only consists of two people deeply in love with each other.  Traditions create a family identity which never dies.  A simple smell or a piece of music has the power to transport you back to a moment in your history, in truth a mesh of many similar moments – the riches of a tradition oft repeated.  In addition, traditions ground us, lending a soothing and comforting rhythm to our modern, frenetically paced life.

It is these traditions I intend to share here.  Some we have been doing since our first year of marriage, others are newer.  All are important to our family.

Christmas Charity Fair

My little girl, singing to her heart's content. She just LOVED participating this year

Country Living Magazine


Christmas Tree Decoration

The older ones weren't even 1 yet

Preparing for Advent


Decking the Halls

Didn't they do well?


Apple Sauce and Cinnamon Decorations

This year they were 7 and A5 was 1

Christmas Eve celebrations

Can you spot a Daddy panda

Annual Christmas Party

