New Year Goals: Personal

This is a quickie post to document my goals for this year.  I have spent a lot of time thinking and praying through some of the more unbalanced areas of my life.  The following goals, therefore, attempt to address these issues.

  1. Read one book a week: I asked (and received) lots of books for Christmas, and whilst I read some over the holidays, I still have a few to work my way through.  I want to include this as priority because the last few months I have not had time to read a menu let alone a whole book.  No more!
  2. Write 100 words per day, six days a week, on my book: A few months ago, I let the children read through the novel I have been working on for too many years.  They were bummed I hadn’t finished it (no ending!) and that really encouraged me to keep plugging away.  I’m about three quarters the way through, and am now at the point where I need more accountability to keep going.
  3. Time with Mum: I want to prioritise this.  Mum will be coming over for a Saturday night lasagne and ‘Monarch of the Glen’ episode, as usual, but I also wanted to find time to spend some one-to-one time with her, just chatting without any interruptions.  We will probably pop into town for a coffee once a week on a Saturday morning.
  4. Lose weight: My weight-loss (or lack thereof) is becoming a running joke in our house!  It is so incredibly hard when one loves food as much as I do.  That said, I am aware I need to give it less time in the limelight, and spend less time thinking about it.  I joined Slimming World in November, have started wearing my Fitbit again to track my steps and I am hoping to drag the whole family into a healthier life-style.
  5. Recreate my evening routine: I love our evening routine.  It consists of snuggling and reading to the little ones, grabbing a tea and bar of chocolate and snuggling down with Gary to watch whichever show we are currently embroiled in.  It’s warm, it’s cosy and it’s relaxing.  Thing is, once I start eating I can’t stop!  So I want to gradually change the routine in order to break the habit of eating my way through the night.


  1. I just read the Little Book of Hygge myself! I have recently started shutting all lights off in the kitchen and thinking “it’s closed!” as soon as all the dinner hoopla is done. I’ve started watching TV with my husband up in our room or reading a book in bed so it’s more work to go get a snack and have just about cut out all snacking after dinner (Christmas week(s) not included!). I haven’t noticed any weight loss but I’m finally hungry for breakfast in the morning and that sets me up for making good eating choices throughout the day. You have a great list of goals here and I wish you the best of luck

    1. That’s interesting about feeling hungry in the morning having not snacked at night. I am never hungry until about 11 and I bet that’s the reason why. Now I just need to learn not to snack in the evening….you clearly have more willpower than I do!

  2. I am also trying to stop eating by 7:30 pm. I am hoping that along with walking and tummy exercises will get me back on the path to a healthy weight. Good luck. We are with you in the struggle.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. Good luck to you too! I really struggle to do any kind of tummy exercises since I had the twins. I think my tummy muscles must have come out with the babies 🙂

  3. Hygge. I’ve been reading up on that myself. I’m with you on the weight thing. Ugg. Out of all of your goals, I’d say especially stick with the one about your mum.:) One of my goals – commenting more on your blog and not just reading. Time seems short, but some things are important. Even if that friendship is through bloggerland.

    1. Hello!!!! How wonderful to hear from you! I was almost apoplectic when I saw your name 🙂 How have you been? I’m so, so happy you are back <3

  4. Blessings to you in your goals! I just have a few: homeschooling on task & read aloud each day, Bible reading/quiet time every day, blog, and keep a tidy home & less clutter.

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