Mystery of History Lesson Three: Tubalcain and Jubal

The third Mystery of History lesson was about Tubal Cain and Jubal.  The mention of these men in Genesis shows how advanced early man actually was.  Jubal, the brother of Jabal, is the second son of Lamech with Adah.  He is described in the Bible as “the father of all such as handle the harp and organ” (Genesis 4:21 KJV).  Tubalcain, the brother of Naamah, is the one of the sons of Lamech from his second wife, Zillah.  The Bible describes Tubalcain as “an instructer of every artificer of bronze and iron”.  Especially  important, the Biblical Timeline puts Tubal Cain and Jubal’s birth is between 4004 BC (Adam‘s creation) and the Great Flood (2348 BC).

Reading about Tubalcain and Jubal

his lesson was interesting to me.   The mention of brass and Iron suggests Tubal Cain to have been around after the bronze age and into the iron age.  Chronologically, according to Bible history, he would have been alive during the bronze age but not the iron age which came much later.  However, a type of iron ore has been found and dated back to ancient times, so it is not impossible that Tubal Cain worked with a type of iron during his life time.

I started to read Adam and his Kin by Ruth Beechick (which I may do a separate post about):

Tubal Cain and Jubal

Narration and Copy-work about Tubal Cain and Jubal

Firstly, the girls created a note page containing some facts about these two men:

Name Study on Tubal Cain and Jubal

Using the computer, we looked up their names and the girls created a name study flap book for both men.  They also stuck in their first mini book from the MOH folder book collection and also a printout of Adam and Eve’s family tree to Noah (next Lesson):

The girls also completed their time line from Creation to Enoch:

Multimedia Options to learn about Tubalcain and Jubal

Mystery of History

Diana Waring has a chapter on early man which fits in nicely with our lesson for today.  We listened to this track.

Hands On Activities for Learning about Tubalcain and Jubal

This has to be one of my favourite activities I’ve ever done.  I mean, who doesn’t love cutting and sticking?  And as the older girls commented – we were making artifacts and adding ‘bling’ to them! (Bling = metallic gaffa tape!).  We had so much fun, I wrote a whole post about how to make your very own bronze age artifacts.  We made some musical instruments:

Tubal Cain and Jubal

Tubal Cain and Jubal

Tubal Cain and Jubal

and some tools:

Tubal Cain and Jubal

Tubal Cain and Jubal

Writing Activity for Tubal Cain and Jubal

I had the girls write a short piece about meeting with either Tubal Cain or Jubal:

Eating like Tubal Cain and Jubal

With my help, the girls made a lamb, barley and carrot stew:

It was so good:

Fashions of the Early Man

Oh my!  You know when you start something, and then really wish you hadn’t, but can’t do anything but carry on to the end?  Well, that was me this week.  My younger two girls do not love dressing up like the older three, so I thought we could learn about the fashions of each time frame by making dress up for dolls.

In order to do this, I needed a boy doll and a girl doll, but could I find a boy?  No, I could not!  So I did what any creative homeschooling mum would do….I gave one of our girl dolls a hair cut and turn her into a boy.  Hmmm, simple right?  No, as it turns out hair dressing is much harder than I first thought.  Especially as I was being teased mercilessly by my teens who thought me cutting their doll’s hair was hilarious in the extreme.  I was determined to prove them wrong.  In this I failed.  Much like I failed in giving the girl doll a sex change.  Turns out it is more than hair which makes a girl a girl in the world of dolls….  So please, use your imagination.  Short hair = boy doll.  Long hair = girl doll.

Anyway, I then sourced some fur from the older ones’ old dressing up clothes and fashioned some fashions as it were:

I preferred this.  This I could do.  Because sewing is so much easier than hair dressing.  Just sayin’

Oh, and try to ignore the nail varnish ear ring that Tubal Cain and/or Jubal is sporting…..

Not my most authentic fashion demonstration ever 🙂

Should you wish to see any of my other MOH lessons, sans fashions, do feel free to click on the posts below:

Lesson One: Creation

Lesson Two: Adam and Eve


  1. Wow,I’m very inspired indeed! Just don’t know how I’d do the same or similar with our crowd of 5; 10 years and younger down to 3. Quick question, was wondering if you have a good suggestion for Bible reading too, I’m not sure how to proceed next in this subject because of course we’d want it to be interactive in some shape or form too,with good learning but not just filling in boxes , something that’s going to impact on their own faith in God for His glory. Just think workbooks for that isn’t great,but don’t know what to replace it with. Bible on cd? How do you do that, encouraging the children to love His Word.

    1. Hey Veronica, I’ve used different things over the years. Bible cds and books for quiet time, Apologia’s Who is God? series for morning meeting. The family bible mentioned in these Mystery of History posts is great for all ages and has lots of extra information and pictures. I read out a teen devotion during morning meeting as well but that takes minutes. I am currently reading Adam and his Kin by Ruth Beechick which is great for all ages. Hope that helps! Cx

  2. I believe this is the best history curriculum, hands down. So glad to see you using it with the younger girls.

  3. Wow! I’m a believer and have a deep understanding about God, spirituality, energy and frequency and I’m also a techie guy and then I came across this while doing my research. So simple but so deep, it touched my heart and soul. I might do this with my 3 kids. Thank you for this and God bless all of us.

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