Mystery of History: Lesson 13 – Abraham


We had lots of fun learning about Abraham, making star globes and lots of dress up clothes for the girls’ dolls

Abraham: Lesson

We read the lesson from the Mystery of History text book, as well as reading from the Family Bible, which gives lots of extra historical context:


Our main activities were using the dolls to teach about how Abraham would have travelled back in the day. I wrote about Teaching History using Dolls last weekend.

Abraham: Note Pages

I photocopied a map of Abraham’s journey to Egypt and a quote which the girls surrounded with stars, and Abraham’s family tree:


Abraham: Stars of Descendants

The girls had a bit of fun creating a night sky star globe. They collected jars, stars, paint, water and sand:


They mixed it all together:

Shook them up:

And the final star globe. A nice reminder of how God promised to give an elderly man, Abraham, descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand on the sea-shore:

As an aside, I think blue food dye may have been a better choice than blue paint as the paint settles eventually without colouring the water.

Abraham: Biblical Fashions

But first things first. We dressed our Biblical dolls! I use felt where ever I can because I don’t need to hem. I will often google picture online which give me an idea of the way the clothes looked, and I try to copy them as close as I can, without being pedantic about it.

Abraham has a tunic and a rag as a belt:

I made his head-dress from scraps of material. This would have offered some protection from the sun, dust and sand:

I made a similar tunic for Sarah, along with a belt:

which I tied at the back:

I gave her more of a shawl, than a head dress:

Abraham: Making a bed roll

Obviously, anything Abraham and Sarah would have used on the journey from Ur to Egypt they would have needed to carry. Abigail made a bed, which would have been rolled up and therefore easy to carry:

Abraham: Portable picnic rug come bag

Anything which would have been duel purpose would have been advantageous to the travelling family. The picnic rug come bag is one example of such an item. Becca made this:

Abraham: Making a tent

Lastly, we made a tent. I cheated. I couldn’t, no matter how hard I tried, make a tent using authentic-available-at-the-time materials. No matter. I guess it showed the girls how much harder life would have been in those days:

Food for the Journey

The girls also used their plasticine to make some pottery and food items for their dolls to eat on their long trek to Egypt:

And then the girls played with all there new toys to their heart’s content:

Oh, to be young again…

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