The Renaissance Age

I've gathered all the Renaissance work into one place to make it (hopefully) easier to find.  We very much studied this era by studying the people who lived in it and experienced it first hand.  Leonardo Da Vinci, Fibonacci, Michelangelo and Gutenberg - we studied them all and learnt heaps about the renaissance at the…


Shakespeare: Midsummer Night’s Dream – Day 5

Midsummer Night's Dream Day 1 Midsummer Night's Dream Day 2 Midsummer Night's Dream Day 3 Midsummer Night's Dream Day 4 Shakespeare Biographical Work (10 mins) Read out-loud Act I, scene 5:  Hyperbole, Oxymoron and Made Up Words from the following Shakespeare book: Midsummer Night's Dream Act IV, Scene I-II (80 mins) We listened to the following BBC3 production…


Shakespeare: Midsummer Night’s Dream – Day 4

Midsummer Night's Dream Day 1 Midsummer Night's Dream Day 2 Midsummer Night's Dream Day 3 Shakespeare Biographical Work (10 mins) Read out-loud Act I, scene 4:  Shakespeare Attends School from the following Shakespeare book: Midsummer Night's Dream Act IV, Scene I-II (50 mins) Read and Listen to Act IV (about 25 mins) We listened to the…


Shakespeare: Midsummer Night’s Dream – Day 3

Midsummer Night's Dream Day 1 Midsummer Night's Dream Day 2 Shakespeare Biographical Work (10 mins) Read out-loud  Act I, scene 3:  John Shakespeare Takes his Son to His First Play from the following Shakespeare book: Midsummer Night's Dream Act III, Scene I-III (80 mins) Yesterday we had forgone the audio and just watched the video,…


Shakespeare: Midsummer Night’s Dream – Day 2

For Day 1 see here Shakespeare Biographical Work (10 mins) Read out-loud Act 1, scene 2: John Shakespeare supports his Growing Family  from the following Shakespeare book: Language study Iambic pentameter (20 mins) Iambic pentameter is something I remember struggling to get my head round as a teen yet as an adult it seems so…


Shakespeare: Midsummer Night’s Dream – Day 1

Pre study The children read Midsummer Night's Dream from the following books to familiarise themselves with the story: I also bought this beautiful book.  The pictures are mesmerising and the story well told.  It was really important that the children completely understood the story of this play because their project would be based on Midsummer…


Elizabethan Unit Study

Just collating all my Elizabethan Posts into one big post! Week One: A Renaissance Queen Week Two: Reformation and Coronation  Week Three: Elizabethan Progresses and Elizabethan Games Week Four: Drake and the Spanish Armada Week Five: Spies and Spy craft Project Based Learning: Pirates Enjoy!


Elizabethan Unit Study: Week 5: Spies and spycraft

This was our last week on the Elizabethan Times.  The children still have one further week to finish up the Pirate's of the Golden Age projects and we will be doing a five week unit on Shakespeare over the summer. Biography This week we finished Elizabeth I: The People’s Queen: We learnt about Elizabeth's later years…


Elizabethan Unit study: Week Four: Drake and the Spanish Armada

Biography This week we continued to read the next couple of chapters from our main core book: We learnt about the political and religious back drop to the Spanish declaring war on the British, and the resultant failure of the attack by the Spanish Armada. The Reformation I’ve shared these books before but for cohesion…
