How to Make Papyrus Paper at Home

How to Make Your Own Papyrus at Home

Grab some paper, your free printable (see below), Pritt Stick and some scissors and learn how to make papyrus paper at home. This paper is a lovely strong, double-sided paper, which looks really authentic and is very inexpensive to make. We used a reed dipping ink pen to write on it, but any pen (or pencil) would work fine.

What You Need

How to Make Papyrus at Home {Step by Step}

  • If you want to name the scroll (for example, I wanted ours to say ‘daily diary’, which I translated into Latin and wrote at the top of each scroll), I recommend you write it before you stick the papers together
  • Next, stick two sheets together so that the papyrus is showing on both sides.
  • Cut out the photocopies. It is better to do this once the sheets are stuck together and the glue has dried. To make the papyrus look a little more authentic, cut the pages a little wavy 🙃
  • Glue the bottom of the labelled paper to the top of the other sheet and allow to dry.
How to Make Your Own Papyrus at Home
  • Once dried, it can be rolled up as a scroll

Using the Papyrus for fun writing activities, writing clues to an ancient treasure hunt, or as my girls did, write a daily diary to go along with their Ancient Roman studies:

girl using reed ink pen to write on homemade papyrus

…Which was much harder than they thought it was going to be:

using a reed ink pen to write on home made papyrus

That is how to make papyrus paper at home! Simple, easy and inexpensive. What’s not to like?

How to make papyrus paper at home

If you’d like to learn more about ancient Roman papyrus click over to here. Let me know if you make your own!

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