A Year in the Life of a Home-Schooling Family: Day 71

‘Mummy, mummy! The fish has rabies!’ Charlotte squealed in my ear…

‘Eh? You what now?!’

‘Look, it’s foaming at the mouth!’ She finishes, doubling over in hysterics

And so begins the cooking dinner of yesterday. Things are never boring with Charlotte around! What with foaming fish and cracked boiled eggs, and mis-timing on almost everything on account of the fact that no-one knows how to numerate, we did get something vaguely edible on the table:

In fact, it was a huge hit and we shall be doing it again next week!

Today, I did not want to homeschool. Charlotte is beginning to get pain and fatigue again. We are both praying this is temporary. I suggested strongly that she take a nap in the middle of the day again to help counteract the tiredness, which she did. She is looking pale again. I am hoping that it is just that she had a very, very busy weekend last weekend, rather than the ME rearing its ugly head again. I, perhaps naively, thought this was one battle we wouldn’t have to fight again. Getting her through Latin GCSE in three months rather than two years is a big enough battle for me right now.

We attended a hand therapy appointment at 8 this morning. Her physiotherapist was really lovely and has given her lots of exercises to strengthen the surrounding muscles. Her right hand is significantly weaker than her left one (they did all sorts of tests to determine this). As her dominant hand, it should be much stronger. We returned home at just gone nine. And I did not want to do any homeschooling. This is not usual for me, and I don’t like it. That said, I did actually do some. The girls did their usual work books. Abigail still hasn’t completed them (she has one more page of maths to do). Again very unusual. She really didn’t want to be doing any learning today either. My mum would say it was the alignment of the stars.

I forced myself to do some educating of the children after dropping Lillie off at work. I read some of the current astronomy chapter on stars. Abigail brushed my hair whilst Becca gave me a pedicure. Hmm, homeschooling was looking quite good at that point! Afterwards, we did a demonstration of why stars twinkle using moving water to represent our atmosphere and foil covered stones to represent the stars:

And a demonstration of how the stars appear to travel around the North star. This was so cool, and a very relaxing way to spend a few minutes:

The constellations spinning around the North star

I then finished off some work on Life of Fred: Edgeware. We were doing pictographs verses bar graphs verses line graphs using fruit:

Not that this one was staged or anything…

This afternoon we are meant to be doing some cooking (Becca and Charlotte) and MEL science (Abigail and me). But we are all dragging our feet. I just want to go to bed and sleep the rest of the day away. It is my thirteenth day of fasting, so I am wondering if that is what is causing my lethargy. Thank God for work books. Regardless of my own efforts, I am very grateful for the work books which ensure that the girls do at least do the minimum of English, maths, spelling, social studies, science and creative writing each day.

I’m off to pick up Lillie from her work and Gary from his work. Dinner is cooked. And the rest of the evening is spread in front of me full of lots of relaxation, with the hope I will get a bit more done tomorrow 😉

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