Precious Moments

The weather this week has been sunshiny and very warm. Our school week has been slow and leisurely. We’ve done it each day, but it has been at a much slower pace as the garden was calling us to spend as much time as possible outside. The girls are enjoying the British curriculum we’re using…


Precious Moments

It has been a very busy but relaxing week. As the Covid restrictions lift, we are all running into the arms of those friends we have missed. The littles are thoroughly enjoying their times spent with their favourite friend, Evie Mae, and are loving the fact that she is now allowed in our house. The…


Precious Moments

Having been away for a couple of weeks, I am now needing to hit the floor running...only, I’ve been relaxing for ten days and done very little apart from look after Charlotte. I have discovered I rather like doing nothing and would like to extend my holiday to another few weeks... Unfortunately, that is not…


Precious Moments

A great productive week this week. The sunshine makes such a huge difference to all our energy levels and general enthusiasm. Over the weekend, the girls had their Edwardian Era presentation, which I will be posting about later: It was their first presentation, and both were a little bit nervous. But they did a great…


Seasons of Joy

I’m sharing a little bit from my adult children today. I am so proud of each one of them. They amaze me everyday- they are my best friends, my biggest supporters and the absolute joy of my life. As you all know, Thomas works for a church as an assistant worship pastor. His college work…


Spring Precious Moments {14-/04/2018 – 20/04/2018}

This has been such a lovely week.  We have somehow found balance again, which is so important for the relaxed homeschool I always hope to create.  There is a good mixture of jolly hard work, siblings spending lots of time together helping and playing together, as well as lots of time spent with friends and…


Wintery Precious Moments (January: Week Two)

It has been a funny ol' week, with some delight and some stress.... It began on Monday, with Thomas' 16th birthday (gasp...16!!), which unfortunately fell on the day of Charlotte's first English Literature IGCSE exam.  We spent the morning unwrapping presents and spoiling our near adult son: He then went out for his yearly (birthday)…
